Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer is almost here! ♥

Hey hey, everyone! I'm updating again because that first post was just my.... uh. self-introdution. I was wondering why I can't see the favicon I chose for this blog. D; Well, I gotta fix that x3x~
First of all, how is everyone? I want to know because Cattie is a curious person~desu! <3
I hope everyone is alright ~! I'll have my last exam tomorrow! Physics and Chemistry! And then, the great summer holidays begin, full of stuff to do. I've decided. I'll learn Sindarin (Elvish language) first ! =w= And I need to contact the Archery school because I wanna join and have classes. <3
I might have a pool party tomorrow! >w<
I'm thinking about taking this outfit:
What do you think? Is it cute? Is it ok? :3

I also got these notebooks for next year (I'll be in 12th grade!) Aren't they just beautiful? I love the pictures. So different~ <3

and.... owl necklace! I love things with owls. That's why one of the pets my LOTR OC (Elariniel) has is an owl! This necklace was a present from my parents. <3 pretty, pretty, right? 

For the past few days, I've been studying like crazy. @_@; Already tired of it! Who doesn't get tired and bored of studying? D: Wish me luck with my last exam! (I like to study in the attic >w<)

This is the thing that has been distracting me during studying. If I only thought about school, I would go crazy. These films are just amazing. Favorite Films forever <3 (And Harry Potter too, of course~!) This is a picture of my DVD's of Lord of the Rings. As you can see, the titles are in portuguese. "Lord of the Rings" translates to "O Senhor dos Anéis". I could watch these films for hours and never get tired of it. <333 Legolaas <3 (YES, I'M A LEGOLAS FANGIRL! ^_^;) I might have a marathon  of LOTR, that is, watching all the 3 films in one night. With a friend. It's gonna be really, really awesome.
And, obviously, I can't wait for December! I want the Hobbit to be out now! I've been waiting for that thing since 2009! (ù_u)  Oh, and I just finished Downloading Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). I might start playing it tomorrow! \(> w <)/

And now... EE(Eden Eternal) time! Today, Minako made me log for a bit. xD Because Hou was online and I kind of wanted to talk with him (about Eurovision.... wait, It's been almost 1 month since Eurovision! xD) But, well, IT WAS FUN. Guild Chat with Minako, Ceo, Hou and Balthy. xD Hou and Balthy thought that I was a bit more hyper than I used to be. I guess they just don't really know me! o_o; Even if Hou is my ex-couple. ( . _ . )" But I really enjoyed the little chat. In the picture, you can see my character (NadjaPreminger), with her Sunshine Ruffle Two-Piece, Watermelon Popsicle, Honor Rosette and the Glaive. Summer Time! Do you think I should change her hair and eyes? ( O w O )/ And she seems to have pointy ears! <3

Well, It's almost everything for today!
I'll end my post with the trailer for "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"

I can't wait for it! ( > w < ) /
Bye, bye, Everyone! See ya! 


  1. Adorei o conjunto de roupa que escolheste Cat!
    O design da capa dos teus caderno são altamente.
    Também gosto de corujas, sabias? Aliás, deram-me até uma pecinha da pandora em forma de coruja. (:

    1. Thankies ! <3
      E sim, eu também gostei muito. Lembra-me,... não sei dizer. E corujas são lindas. <3
